Who hasn’t had fish with a soggy, unappetizing skin. A failed attempt at getting that crispy skin can discourage many. This recipe will ensure a crispy skin, as well as that delicious flaky flesh.
When buying salmon, look for a deep red colour for the best flavour. Salmon that has yellow film on it is not fresh, and is likely spoiled. Fish markets will have the fresher fish than grocery stores. This is because grocery stores often freeze the fish, and thaw it at a later date. When buying an entire fish look at the eyes. Look for clear, shiny, metallic-like eyes, this indicates fresh fish. Also, smell the fish, it should not smell “fishy”. This may seem strange, but fresh fish has a mild odour like the ocean.
For phenomenal fish, brine your fish in a salt water brine. I use a ratio of 2 liters of water for a 1/3 cup of salt. The brine breaks down the muscle fibers, and moistens the fish. This little trick only requires 15 minutes! Also, brining reduces the albumen, which is the unappetizing white film that forms on the fish while cooking.
For the seasoning I keep it simple. I use salt, black pepper, red chili powder, sweet smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, dried thyme, dried oregano, and dried basil. It may seem like a lot, but many have most of these spices already in their kitchen. There’s no need to marinate the salmon, it is one of those proteins that is simple to flavour.
Before cooking, make sure the fish is dry, otherwise the skin will stick, and it will be soggy. Another tip is, to use a cast iron skillet or a non-stick pan. Also, cook the salmon on medium heat for 6 1/2 minutes skin-side down, and 15-30 seconds on the flesh side. 15-30 seconds on the flesh side, may seem like not enough time, but it is plenty of time.

In a large bowl, dissolve the salt in the water.

Place salmon in the brine, and wait 15 minutes.

Pat dry fish until completely dry.

Season on flesh side, and rub in.

Heat a pan over high-heat with oil.

Place fish on hot pan, and press down to prevent shrinkage.

Cook for 6 minutes over medium-heat until skin is crispy.

Flip over, and cook for 20-30 seconds, and remove from pan.


- 8 cup cold water
- 1/3 cup salt
- 12 skin-on salmon portions
- 1 1/2 tbsp salt
- 2 tsp black pepper
- 2 tsp red chili powder
- 1 tbsp smoked paprika
- 1 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp onion powder
- 1 tbsp dried oregano
- 1 tbsp dried basil
- 1 tbsp dried thyme
In a large bowl, dissolve salt in the water.
Place salmon in the brine, and set aside for 15 minutes.
Pat dry salmon until completely dry.
Season with spices, and gently rub in.
Heat pan with oil over high-heat.
Put 2-4 pieces on the pan, press to prevent shrinkage.
Cook for 6 minutes over medium heat until skin becomes crisp.
Flip, cook for 20-30 seconds, and serve.