Fettuccine Alfredo is a staple pasta dish that is composed of a rich and creamy white sauce tossed in fettuccine pasta. The Alfredo sauce is an emulation of heavy cream, butter, and parmesan. It is one of the most popular pasta dishes on the menu in North American restaurants.
Pasta dough is composed of very few ingredients: flour, semolina, and eggs. The correct ratio of these ingredient is vital in creating the perfect pasta dough. Firstly, the flour you use for the pasta dough will determine the texture of the pasta. “00” flour is the best flour for pasta dough. It is superfine specialty flour, specifically milled for pasta and pizza. Although, it is pricey it is a fundamental ingredient. Secondly, the addition of semolina flour gives the pasta a firmer texture to it. The ratio of flour to semolina I use is 3:1. I’ve experimented with using a 1:1, but I found the pasta to be overly firm for my liking. Thirdly, use high-quality whole eggs in this recipe. There is no need to fuss around with egg yolks. Lastly, resting the dough is crucial to ensure easy rolling.

Pour the flour mixture on your counter, make a large well, and add in the eggs.

Use a fork to gradually mix in the flour.

Cover the eggs with the remaining flour, and combine with your hands.

Knead the rough dough into a smooth, elastic ball.

The dough should be smooth, hydrated, and elastic.

Wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap, and rest for at least 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in a stockpot.

Stir in the garlic, and saute until browned.

Once the garlic is browned, add in the cream.

Simmer the sauce until reduced.

Mix in the pasta water, parmesan, and parsley. Season the sauce and reserve.

Cut the dough in thirds, and wrap the rest.

Flatten the dough with your hands.

Dust flour over the dough and roll through the thickest setting.

Fold in thirds and re-roll.

Continue rolling the dough until you reach the correct thickness.

Cut the dough into 10-inch pieces.

Dust the dough pieces with flour.

Run each piece through the fettuccine cutter.

Boil in salted water for 90-120 seconds.

Remove the pasta from the pot with a spider, and rinse to remove starch.

Mix the pasta with the sauce, mix in any add-ins.


- 350 grams "00" pasta flour
- 150 grams semolina flour
- 5 large eggs, lightly beaten
- water (if needed)
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 3 cups full-fat heavy cream
- 2 cups shredded parmesan
- 1 cup chopped parsley
- 1 tbsp salt
- 2 tsp black pepper
- 1/2 cup pasta water
Mix together the flours in a bowl.
Dump the flour onto your counter and make a large well in the center.
Pour in the eggs, and slowly incorporate the flour with a spoon.
Knead the dough for 5-8 minutes until smooth, (add in water if dry).
Wrap in plastic wrap, and rest for at least 20 minutes.
Fill a large stockpot with salted water, and bring to a boil.
Divide the dough in thirds, and re-wrap the other two pieces.
Flatten the dough slightly, and lightly flour.
Roll through the pasta machine.
Fold in thirds and re-roll through the pasta machine.
Adjust the setting on the pasta machine and roll the dough through.
Continue rolling until you reach the correct thickness for fettuccine.
Trim off the edges, and cut into 10-inch pieces.
Dust with flour, and pass through the pasta machine on the fettuccine cutter.
Repeat with the remaining dough.
Boil the pasta for 90-120 seconds or until "al dente."
Rinse the pasta in a colander, and set aside.
In a saute pan, melt the butter over medium heat.
Add in the garlic, and saute until browned.
Pour in the heavy cream, parmesan, and parsley.
Stir occasionally, and bring to a simmer.
Simmer the sauce for 10-15 minutes until reduced, stirring periodically.
Season the sauce, and add in the pasta water.
Toss with the pasta, and any other add-ins.